About us
[/text_box] [/ux_banner] [section visibility=”hidden”] [row h_align=”center”] [col span=”7″ span__sm=”12″] [title text=”Who we are” tag_name=”h4″] [ux_image id=”304″]We provide all kinds of voice support and non-voice support services, delivering a range of contact centre service like inbound and outbound voice support, email support, online support and back office support services. We have now extended our services in the area of legal services. We provide round the clock support to our clients depending on their customer relations goal. It includes providing technical support, market research, quantifying sale leads, order processing, responding to ad enquiries or general information request.
Presoft has the people with the expertise to professionally service your needs in a timely and cost effective manner. We also provide total solution for your accounting system, including training and on – site support for AutoCount and Arms F&B Software.With over few years of experience in IT & development, implementation and maintenance, currently Presoft (M) Sdn Bhd had expanded the products shelf inclusive of AutoCount Accounting Solution, Go Global & Fingertec to fulfill the needs of various Business Organization needs. We sell and provide installation & maintenance of Autocount Accounting Software, Autocount POS software and AutoCount Payroll Software. AutoCount Accounting Software is a powerful and efficient GST Compliance Accounting, Stock Billing Software.
[/col] [col span=”5″ span__sm=”12″] [title text=”Vision” tag_name=”h4″] [message_box text_color=”light” padding=”18″] [row_inner v_align=”middle” h_align=”center”] [col_inner span__sm=”12″]Our vision is to be recognized as a leading one-stop business solutions provider with effective software solutions and reliable support services that suits your need. In order to achieve this goal, we always listen, observe and learn to provide the best quality of services for you. The achievement of your business ambitions will be our prior concerns and your success will be ours too. Hence, powerful, easy-to-use and secure software solutions will be provided to let your company accomplish the maximum benefits. Presoft (m) Sdn Bhd is fully committed to quality by satisfying customer requirement according to safety standard.
[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/message_box] [gap] [title text=”mission” tag_name=”h4″]Our mission is to provide our clients with top quality service that optimize performance. We believe in “Accelerate your business” through high value proposition at very competitive pricing. We firmly believe in the traditional values of prompt, efficient and courteous service. In view of the above and taking customer requirements into consideration, Presoft (M) Sdn Bhd will be achieving customer satisfaction.
[/col] [/row] [/section] [section visibility=”hidden”] [row h_align=”center”] [col span__sm=”12″] [title text=”Company Background” tag_name=”h4″]Presoft (M) Sdn. Bhd. was originally founded in the year of 2004. We enable our customers to achieve their business objectives. This can be done by turning the burdensome business processes into efficient business software system, by reducing extra manpower and by providing accurate data to make smart business decisions. Presoft (M) Sdn. Bhd. deliver quality business software solutions which comprises of Accounting, Stock Control, Warehouse, Mobile app, Payroll and Point of Sales that integrates seamlessly to ensure the smooth running of customer business. We also assisted its customers by providing products which is best in quality, comprehensive in function and excellent in design.
[/col] [/row] [/section] [section label=”Title” bg=”1923″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” dark=”true” padding=”20px”] [row style=”collapse” h_align=”center”] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”10″ span__md=”8″ padding=”25px 0px 10px 0px” align=”center”] [ux_image_box style=”overlay” img=”1902″ image_overlay=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)” text_pos=”middle” text_size=”xlarge” text_padding=”0px 0px 30px 0px”]About Us
[/ux_image_box] [gap] [/col] [/row] [/section] [scroll_to title=”more” bullet=”false”] [section bg_color=”rgb(255,255,255)”] [ux_banner bg=”5473″ bg_size=”original” bg_color=”rgb(255,255,255)”] [text_box width=”50″ width__sm=”45″ width__md=”50″ scale=”60″ scale__sm=”40″ scale__md=”60″ position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”95″ position_x__md=”100″ position_y=”20″ position_y__md=”15″ text_align=”left” text_depth=”5″]Our Vision
[/text_box] [text_box width=”50″ scale=”90″ scale__sm=”55″ scale__md=”80″ padding__md=”0px 10px 0px 0px” position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”100″ position_x__md=”100″ position_y=”30″ position_y__sm=”25″ position_y__md=”25″ text_align=”left”]To be recognized as a leading business solutions provider with effective solutions and reliable support service that suits your need.
[/text_box] [text_box width=”50″ width__sm=”45″ scale=”60″ scale__sm=”40″ scale__md=”60″ position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”95″ position_y=”55″ position_y__sm=”50″ position_y__md=”60″ text_align=”left” text_depth=”5″]Our Mission
[/text_box] [text_box width=”50″ width__sm=”50″ scale=”90″ scale__sm=”55″ scale__md=”80″ padding__md=”0px 10px 0px 0px” position_x=”100″ position_x__sm=”100″ position_x__md=”100″ position_y=”75″ position_y__sm=”85″ position_y__md=”90″ text_align=”left”]- To provide our clients with top quality service that optimize performance.
- Believe in “Accelerate your business” through high value proposition at very competitive pricing.
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100 GO DIGITAL Appreciation Dinner 2022
Top 50 Technology Solutions Provider Award
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To be recognized as a leading business solutions provider with effective solutions and reliable support services that suits your need.
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Our Mission
- To provide our clients with top quality service that optimize performance.
- Believe in “Accelerate your business” through high value proposition at very competitive pricing.
Our Vision
To be recognized as a leading business solutions provider with effective solutions and reliable support services that suits your need.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1924″]
Our Mission
- To provide our clients with top quality service that optimize performance.
- Believe in “Accelerate your business” through high value proposition at very competitive pricing.
Our Vision
To be recognized as a leading business solutions provider with effective solutions and reliable support services that suits your need.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”10″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”6″] [featured_box img=”1924″]Our Mission
- To provide our clients with top quality service that optimize performance.
- Believe in “Accelerate your business” through high value proposition at very competitive pricing.
About Us
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- Presoft (M) Sdn Bhd was originally founded in 2004 headquartered in Puchong, Malaysia by a team of professionals who have experience in financial services and IT consulting industries for over a decade.
- Having over 3000 deployments in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Philippines and many other countries.
- Being a leading implementer in Malaysia, we have been accredited as the main distributor for GO-Global in 2011 and the exclusive distributor for GO-Global in Singapore in 2012.
- In the Malaysia business transition from SST to GST in 2014 and then the return of SST 2.0 in 2018 in lieu of GST, we have upgraded our solutions in convenience to our customers and partners.
- In 2020, we have also been accredited as Technology Service Provider by MDEC (Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation) to help Malaysia’ SME businesses to adopt digitalization, encouraging more businesses to move into the technology sphere.
- Frequent renewal on our knowledge and expertise of the rapid changing technology world to help build Presoft today by keeping our customers and partners updated with the most user friendly and advanced solution available.
Our Expertise
- We specialized in business consultation with professional support services, interactive trainings & workshops.
- We guide our customers to innovate and grow, to be more efficient and agile by making smart decisions with our powerful business solutions.
- We solve system issues remotely via the internet and providing onsite support reaching at your doorstep.
- We tailor made customization software to meet an individual’s unique business operation.
- We provide onsite/in-house/online training courses in mastering our solutions.
- We work closely with our customers to transform how their business and people work.