AutoCount OneSales

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AutoCount OneSales

Omnichannel Sales Platform [/ux_text] [ux_text font_size=”1.25″ text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”] Connection between digital & physical realms of your business [/ux_text] [button text=”Know More” letter_case=”lowercase” color=”alert” radius=”50″ expand=”0″ icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”#onesales”] [/text_box] [ux_image id=”3910″ width=”28″ position_x=”90″ position_x__md=”95″ position_y=”50″ visibility=”hidden”] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section label=”mobile” padding=”0px” video_visibility=”visible” visibility=”show-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”500px” height__sm=”392px” bg=”5965″ bg_size=”original” bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.715)” bg_overlay__sm=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.762)” bg_pos=”56% 65%”] [text_box width=”44″ position_x=”0″ position_x__md=”5″ position_y=”5″ text_align=”left”] [ux_image id=”5912″ width=”47″ width__md=”40″ visibility=”hidden”] [/text_box] [text_box text_color=”dark” width=”100″ width__sm=”95″ width__md=”93″ scale=”90″ scale__md=”90″ animate=”fadeInUp” position_x=”0″ position_x__sm=”5″ position_x__md=”5″ position_y=”75″ position_y__sm=”50″ position_y__md=”50″] [ux_text font_size=”1.5″ font_size__sm=”1″ text_align=”center” text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”]

AutoCount OneSales

Omnichannel Sales Platform [/ux_text] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”] Connection between digital & physical realms of your busisness [/ux_text] [button text=”Know More” letter_case=”lowercase” color=”alert” radius=”50″ expand=”0″ icon=”icon-angle-right” link=”#onesales”] [/text_box] [ux_image id=”3910″ width=”28″ position_x=”90″ position_x__md=”95″ position_y=”50″ visibility=”hidden”] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section label=”mobile visible” padding=”0px” video_visibility=”visible” visibility=”show-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”500px” height__sm=”65%” bg=”3841″ bg_color=”rgb(255, 242, 227)” visibility=”hidden”] [text_box position_x=”0″ position_x__md=”5″ position_y=”5″ text_align=”left”] [ux_image id=”2576″ width=”30″] [/text_box] [text_box text_color=”dark” width=”66″ width__sm=”60″ scale__sm=”90″ position_x=”0″ position_x__sm=”5″ position_x__md=”5″ position_y=”80″ position_y__sm=”50″ text_align=”left”]

AutoCount POS

Complete Solution with Accounting and Stock Management

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About AutoCount OneSales

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OneSales brings streamlined connectivity to your sales across multiple channels. With OneSales, you will feel that managing sales can be easy work. OneSales provides vision, analysis and comparison of your business performance.

Contact us for more details. 

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About AutoCount OneSales

[/ux_text] [divider]

OneSales bring streamline connection for your sales across multiple channels. With OneSales, you will feel that manage sales can be easy work. OneSales provide vision, analyse, and comparison on your business performance. 

Contact us for more details. 

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OneSales integrate with multiple solutions

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Streamline connection with AutoCount multiple solutions 


O AutoCount Account Version 2 for Accounting, inventory and eCommerce. 

OAutoCount Cloud Accounting for Accounting, inventory, eCommerce and POS 

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OneSales integrate with multiple solutions

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Streamline connection with AutoCount multiple solutions 


O AutoCount Account Version 2 for Accounting, inventory and eCommerce. 

OAutoCount Cloud Accounting for Accounting, inventory, eCommerce and POS 

[/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section bg=”5996″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.779)” bg_pos=”15% 3%” parallax=”7″ dark=”true” mask=”angled-right” padding=”100px”] [row] [col span__sm=”12″] [ux_text font_size=”1.2″ text_align=”center”]

Why AutoCount OneSales is the best solution?

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Provides easy vision

[/ux_text] [/featured_box]

With AutoCount OneSales, you can gain clear insights into your business performance.

[/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [featured_box img=”6004″ img_width=”90″ icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Detailed analytic 

[/ux_text] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

AutoCount OneSales brings analyze and gain insights into your business performance accurately and efficiently.

[/ux_text] [/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [featured_box img=”6005″ img_width=”90″ icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Make comparison  

[/ux_text] [/featured_box]

AutoCount OneSales compares key metrics and data in a centralized system to make smarter decisions.

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What AutoCount OneSales brings

[/ux_text] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

A solution that combines your sales data online and offline.

[/ux_text] [row] [col span__sm=”12″ align=”left”] [tabgroup style=”outline” nav_style=”normal”] [tab title=”Limitless Cloud Possibilities”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”6006″ icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Cloud connection

Now you can access to OneSales anywhere.

[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”6009″ icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Simple setup

You can finish Installation within 15 minutes.

[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”6011″ icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Data safety

Your data is auto-backup and protected in Microsoft Azure.

[/featured_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/tab] [tab title=”Omnichannel Sales Revolution”] [accordion auto_open=”true”] [accordion-item title=”AutoCount Cloud Accounting integration & better support”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6015″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]

Eliminating problems such as third-party integration, software upgrades/updates and data integrity issues. For instance, posting transactions from eCommerce and POS to AutoCount Cloud Accounting will immediately produce accurate P&L reports.

[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Stay updated on consumption tax requirements”] [row_inner label=”desktop” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


OneSales keeps you updated on SST requirements, ensuring compliance. Integrated with AutoCount Cloud Accounting, you have access to a comprehensive list of tax codes and transaction reports categorized by tax code.

[/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6014″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner label=”mobile” visibility=”show-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6014″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


OneSales keeps you updated on SST requirements, ensuring compliance. Integrated with AutoCount Cloud Accounting, you have access to a comprehensive list of tax codes and transaction reports categorized by tax code.

[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Simplify posting to accounting system for efficiency and control”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6017″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


Simplify posting across online and offline channels with flexible assignment of posting accounts. POS users can assign accounts for payment methods, taxes, vouchers, and more. eCommerce users can assign accounts for marketplace, shipping costs, vouchers, fees, and more. Enjoy seamless posting with OneSales.

[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Unleash full potential with AutoCount Cloud Accounting integrations”] [row_inner label=”desktop” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


Come with Sales module, Purchase module, analysis reports, real-time posting to accounting modules, customizable documents and running numbers.

[/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6018″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner label=”mobile” visibility=”show-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6018″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


Come with Sales module, Purchase module, analysis reports, real-time posting to accounting modules, customizable documents and running numbers.

[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Best combination: OneSales POS + Inventory Control”] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image_box img=”6019″] [gap height=”0px”] [/ux_image_box] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]


Efficiently control your inventory with smart features for stock availability, replenishment, costing, pricing, analysis, and reporting. Benefit from popular functionalities such as stock categorization, item images, barcodes, backorder controls, multiple locations, and product variants.


[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/tab] [tab title=”Achieve with OneSales”] [accordion auto_open=”true”] [accordion-item title=”Data Analyze in ONE Platform”] [row_inner v_align=”middle”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6012″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″]

Centralize and analyze sales data effortlessly. OneSales cloud platform combines online orders, POS data, and accounting transactions. Get accurate profit and loss insights. No more scattered information. Optimize your business with ease.

[/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=”Different Angles, Dynamic Views”] [row_inner v_align=”middle”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6013″] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_text text_align=”center”]

Efficiently analyze data with pivot presentations. Charts and graphs simplify your analysis, and you can export data to Excel for further examination.

⇒ Monitor performance easily based on products, profits, channels, and more.

⇒ Intelligent forecasting and sales planning are enabled by customer demand and inventory insights.

⇒ Gain a quick snapshot of your business performance through visually appealing charts and graphs.

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [/accordion-item] [/accordion] [/tab] [tab title=”Create Personalized Reports Easily”] [row_inner v_align=”middle” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6023″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ align=”left” animate=”fadeInRight”] [ux_text text_align=”left”]

Built-in Report Designer

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ align=”center” border=”0px 0px 7px 0px”] [divider align=”left” width=”0px”] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner label=”mobile only build in” v_align=”middle” visibility=”show-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6023″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInRight” border=”0px 0px 0px 12px” border_margin=”-20px 0px 0px 21px”] [ux_text text_align__sm=”center”]

Built-in Report Designer

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner v_align=”middle” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInLeft”] [ux_text text_align=”right”]

Customizable Grid Layout

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6022″ animate=”fadeInLeft”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span__sm=”12″ border=”0px 0px 7px 0px”] [divider width=”0px”] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner label=”mobile only cus” v_align=”middle” visibility=”show-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6022″ animate=”fadeInLeft”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInLeft” border=”0px 0px 0px 12px” border_margin=”-17px 0px 0px 16px”] [ux_text text_align__sm=”center”]

Customizable Grid Layout

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner v_align=”middle” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6021″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [ux_text text_align=”left”]

Software SDK and Web API Integration

[/ux_text] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner label=”mobile only soft” v_align=”middle” visibility=”show-for-small”] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [ux_image id=”6021″ animate=”fadeInRight”] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”6″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInRight” border=”0px 0px 0px 12px” border_margin=”-17px 0px 26px -10px”] [ux_text text_align__sm=”center”]

Software SDK & Web API Integration

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Consult us to learn more about AutoCount OneSales!

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Is Autocount Pos 5.0 Right For You?

Contact Us to Get Yours!


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Is Autocount Pos 5.0 Right For You?

Contact Us to Get Yours!

[button text=”Contact Us” letter_case=”lowercase” size=”larger” radius=”99″ icon=”icon-phone” icon_pos=”left” link=””] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [section bg=”1615″ bg_color=”rgb(231, 243, 231)” bg_overlay=”rgba(0,0,0,.5)” dark=”true” padding=”119px” video_visibility=”visible” visibility=”hidden”] [row] [col span__sm=”12″ align=”center”]

AutoCount Pos 5.0

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Pricing Plan
[/ux_text] [ux_text font_size=”1.2″ text_align=”center” text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”]

OneSales eCommerce Pricing

[/ux_text] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(255,255,255)”]





Monthly Sub Fee

RM 159

RM 209

RM 309

RM 509

Orders per month





No. of Product


No. of Marketplace Store





Additional Store

RM20 per store

No. of OneSales User

1 User (Additional OneSales User RM20/ user/ month)

Supported Marketplace

Shopee & Lazada


*Single Warehouse (RM80 upgrade to Unlimited Warehouses)

Product Variant


Purchase Module, Inventory Control, Sales Module




Live Chat

Phone Support

A fee is chargeable for Phone Support

[/ux_text] [gap height=”44px”] [ux_text font_size=”1.2″ text_align=”center” text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”]

OneSales POS Pricing

[/ux_text] [ux_text text_color=”rgb(255, 255, 255)”]


Monthly Fee

RM 130 / counter / month

No. of OneSales User

1 User (Additional OneSales User RM20 / user / month)

Purchase Module

– Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Return
– Printing of Purchase Document
– Purchase Report (Monthly Purchase Analysis)


Inventory Control
– Track Inventory
– Track Product Variant
– Product Inquiry
– Product Profit Margin
– Multi-Location


Sales Module
Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Note

Excluded (Need to signup Cloud Accounting)



Live Chat

Phone Support

A fee is chargeable for Phone Support

[/ux_text] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section label=”Dark section with box right” bg=”4019″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.64)” mask=”angled” padding=”50px” height=”300px” video_visibility=”hidden” visibility=”hidden”] [row col_style=”solid” v_align=”equal” h_align=”center” padding=”0px 0px 0px 0px”] [col span__sm=”12″ padding=”0px 0px 0px 0px” align=”center” color=”light”]

AutoCount POS 5.0 Support Various e-wallet

The most popular e-wallets payments such as:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

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Significant Advantages of Possessing the AutoCount POS 5.0

[/ux_text] [/col] [/row] [row v_align=”equal” h_align=”center”] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1622″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Real Time Update

Real-time transaction synchronization in terminal with database in HQ and to ensure data is updated instantly.

[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1623″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Evaluate Business Performance

Provide report generated from system to evaluate sales business performance from each of the outlet and promoters.

[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1620″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Powerful Database

Front-end and backend features are run on Microsoft SQl Server which is well known for its stability and speedy performance.

[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1624″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Comprehensive & Analytical Report

To identify customer payment method, analyze days and time period which generate higher sales amount and evaluate promoter performance.

[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1621″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Save Your Time

Fully keyboard operable with clearly instructed on-screen short-cut key. POS transaction can be entered easily and in shorter time.

[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”1625″ pos=”left” icon_color=”rgb(249, 162, 56)”]

Flexible System

System flexible to hold bills temporary and resume later. Print receipt when items is scanned or payment made.

[/featured_box] [/col] [/row] [/section] [section visibility=”hidden”] [row] [col span__sm=”12″] [row_inner] [col_inner span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”5912″]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat….

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OneSales eCommerce Pricing





Monthly Sub Fee

RM 159

RM 209

RM 309

RM 509

Orders per month





No. of Product


No. of Marketplace Store





Additional Store

RM20 per store

No. of OneSales User

1 User (Additional OneSales User RM20/ user/ month)

Supported Marketplace

Shopee & Lazada


*Single Warehouse (RM80 upgrade to Unlimited Warehouses)

Product Variant


Purchase Module, Inventory Control, Sales Module




Live Chat

Phone Support

A fee is chargeable for Phone Support

OneSales POS Pricing


Monthly Fee

RM 130 / counter / month

No. of OneSales User

1 User (Additional OneSales User RM20 / user / month)

Purchase Module

– Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Return
– Printing of Purchase Document
– Purchase Report (Monthly Purchase Analysis)


Inventory Control
– Track Inventory
– Track Product Variant
– Product Inquiry
– Product Profit Margin
– Multi-Location


Sales Module
Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Note

Excluded (Need to signup Cloud Accounting)



Live Chat

Phone Support

A fee is chargeable for Phone Support

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Learn More about AutoCount POS 5.0

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