🔈 Upgrade your Emas Payroll software now!
Dear Valued Customer,
We hereby to inform that an upgrade version is available for EMAS payroll software to match the amendment of calculation method on Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) 2023 and adjustment of tax relief for Medical Treatment Expenses in relation of Budget 2023. Please contact us for upgrade price. More detail information about the amendment can be check in here or the button below.
Thank You.
[row] [col span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [button text=”Click me for details” radius=”99″ link=”https://mcusercontent.com/cc7e8914d957b4f034890b789/files/2f872728-a88f-117d-930f-b2f4bff6d10b/EMAS_Payroll_upgrade_2023_Notification.pdf” target=”_blank”] [/col] [/row]🔈 立即升级您的Emas Payroll软件!
我们特此通知,为了配合2023年预算案中关于 Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) 的计算方法修订和医疗费用税务的更改,EMAS payroll software提供了新的升级版本。请联系我们以了解价格。 更多详细的修改信息可以在这里查看或点击下方按钮,以供您参考。
[row] [col span__sm=”12″ align=”center”] [button text=”点我查看详情” radius=”99″ link=”https://mcusercontent.com/cc7e8914d957b4f034890b789/files/2f872728-a88f-117d-930f-b2f4bff6d10b/EMAS_Payroll_upgrade_2023_Notification.pdf” target=”_blank”] [/col] [/row]